Here are some tips to get the best out of your fresh flowers.

  • Use a clean vase for your flowers, rinse out with a weak bleach solution in between water changes to ensure no bacteria lingers.

  • Recut the base of the stems on a sharp angle using clean scissors, secateurs, or a knife. Rinse off the stems under a running tap.

  • Change the water daily or every other day at least.

  • Use the flower food provided.

  • Make sure the flowers are in a cool spot, out of direct sunlight.

  • If your flowers have arrived in a gift box then take them out of the box and follow the above steps and then place in a vase. They should not be kept in a box for long periods as the water will begin to stagnate.

  • If the house is centrally heated, please make sure the flowers aren't too close to a radiator or kept in any drafts.

  • Remove any dead leaves or flowers from your arrangement.

  • We do not remove the “guard” petals from our roses. This is our shop style and choice to give them their more natural, organic look. It also protects the rose head when being handled and manoeuvred when the arrangement is being created. Please remove them if you do not like them.